Tips for Helping Depression
Depression is not one-size-fits all. Each person has different symptoms, causes, triggers, and risk factors. When you are working towards treating your depression, is it important to find a provider- whether it be a medical provider or mental health therapist- that you think is taking the time to get to know your specific issues, pains, and symptoms. Although treatment for depression can vary person-by-person, there are some common factors. Below are a few examples of helpful tips for depression. Remember, we cannot solve all of our problems overnight. Have patience and compassion for yourself. You’re here, you’re trying, and you will get there.
Circadian Rhythms
Our mind and bodies rely on patterns. Circadian rhythms are internal clocks, or patterns, that our bodies depend on for essential functions. One example of this is our sleep-wake pattern. When these patterns are interrupted, our bodies and minds can experience negative symptoms: poor sleeping, irritability, hormone imbalance, gastrointestinal issues, and more. To help regulate your bodies natural patterns, keep a consistent routine as best as possible. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night, wake up at the same time every day, minimize or eliminate napping throughout the day, and eat at consistent times.
Pursue Relationships
Humans by design are social creatures. We are not wired to stay in isolation and seclusion. Sometimes when we feel depressed, we can easily and quickly fall into the pattern of isolating ourselves and maybe even closing off all or any relationships. Regardless of being introverted or extroverted, it is important that you put yourself out there. Pursue a community group or church group, find some friends or explore the dating world. As you do so, remember that the purpose is not to find and connect with just any person. You want to fill our social circle with people that have healthy habits and help bring out the best version of yourself.
Pursue Goals
Having meaningful experiences drives our positive emotions. Most of the positive emotions you will experience in life are not because of material items obtained. We find purpose in having meaningful experiences and achieving a goal we value. Pursuing a goal can be an effective way for us to feel purposeful, find value and meaning in our lives, and therefore increase our positive emotions. Think of at least one area of your life that you have control over. What is one goal that is realistic and attainable? Maybe you need to start with something small, such as cleaning your room daily.
What in your life can you fix? It can be easy to look at ourselves or our surroundings and think about things we would change- but have no control over. Do not fixate on things outside of your control. What are you willing to do to help yourself? What are you willing to do to make progress? What is one step you can take towards movement in a positive and forward direction? Small accruing gains that repeat are powerful.
If you’re ready to take next steps in treating your depression, call 352-448-8131 or email for a free consultation.